The college scholarship application and eligibility requirements are available on the home page of the FEEA web site: Current civilian federal employees and their dependent family members (spouse/child) are eligible for the program.
Last year, the New York City FEEA committee awarded six $1,000 scholarships from a field of over 130 submissions to college undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, FEEA administers scholarship programs for a number of Federal Labor Unions and Management Associations. They are listed under Partner Programs on the home page of their web site. In most cases, students need submit only one application for all programs.
FEEA also gives small grants and loans due to an unforeseen emergency such as personal hardship, death in the family or loss of property due to natural disaster. The application forms for these programs are also available on their web site.
The FEEA receives no government funds. Virtually all of their operating revenue is derived from federal employee contributions specifically pledged to the FEEA through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and is devoted solely to helping civilian federal and postal employees.
Specific questions concerning FEEA programs should be directed to them at 303-933-7580.
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