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Shutdown Agreement updated

October 24th, 2023 | Posted by admin in KNOW YOUR CONTRACT | Settlements | Shutdown

In just four weeks we are facing another potential government shutdown. AFGE/SSA have updated the Government Shutdown agreement. The full agreement is attached.

Here are a few highlights from the agreement:

7. Unless authorized by law, employees are prohibited from providing
voluntary services to the Agency during a furlough.

  1. The Agency will continue to provide the full Agency contribution to
    health benefits under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program for
    employees affected by a furlough consistent with Statute and
    Government-wide regulations.
  2. The Parties acknowledge that the amount of income taxes withheld from
    employees’ biweekly earnings will be adjusted to reflect the reduction in
    earnings that results from the furlough. Where employees request changes
    to withholdings/deductions, the employer will make reasonable efforts to
    process such changes in an expeditious manner.

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