To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

December 31st, 2019 | Posted by admin in Holidays - (0 Comments)

RUN-OFF Election–DEADLINE 12/31/2019

December 15th, 2019 | Posted by admin in ELECTIONS | Events - (0 Comments)

Local 1395 election Ballots are in YOUR Mail.

Don’t Delay Deadline December 31, 2019. 


Please submit your vote by 11:59 P.M.EST on December 31, 2019.

If it comes to your attention that a fellow member did not receive this notice, please advise them to contact Honest Ballot at

If you have any questions about the election procedures, please contact Honest Ballot.

Customer service is available from 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EST Monday through Friday, at (800) 541-1851, and by email,, other days and times.

Holiday Greetings

December 15th, 2019 | Posted by admin in Holidays - (0 Comments)

AFGE Election Results 11-16-2019

November 18th, 2019 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | ELECTIONS - (0 Comments)

The position of Executive Vice President will have a Run-Off race between the top two contestants. The election for the position of Executive Vice President  will be finalized when a candidate receives a majority of the ballots cast. 


November 3rd, 2019 | Posted by admin in ELECTIONS | Local 1395 | Vote - (0 Comments)

Local 1395 election Ballots are in YOUR Mail.

Don’t Delay Deadline November 15, 2019. 


Election Ballot information  

Vote 2019 Letter-1

Vote 2019-2


On behalf of the AFGE Local 1395 (Local 1395) Election Committee, Honest Ballot, an independent, third party election services provider, is pleased to present your voting instructions for the 2019 election. Nominations and acceptances were completed as of September 25, 2019.
Voting for this election will be online and will be open from October 9, 2019 to November 15, 2019.

Local 1395 is currently electing officers and delegates. When you open your ballot online, you will see the list of candidates for each office. Please see the LINK BELOW for the list of officer positions and candidates who have been nominated, along with those elected by acclamation.
Please submit your vote by 11:59 P.M. on November 15, 2019.

If it comes to your attention that a fellow member did not receive this notice, please advise them to contact Honest Ballot at

If you have any questions about the election procedures, please contact Honest Ballot.

Customer service is available from 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EST Monday through Friday, at (800) 541-1851, and by email,, other days and times.

The Secret Memo: How Trump Plans to End Collective Bargaining in Government    


Categories: The Insider

This is the second segment of AFGE’s 5-part series: The Secret Memo: Inside Trump’s Plan to Destroy Unions.

Unions are a cornerstone of our democracy and middle class. As a government employee union, we work hard to make sure that federal workers are treated fairly so that they can focus on serving the American people. Happy employees are good for business, the government, and the American public. That’s why Congresses and administrations have for decades enacted laws and implemented policies that protect federal employees’ rights to bargain collectively.

But the Trump administration sees unions as enemies to be wiped out.

A leaked White House memo outlines President Trump’s plans to purge government unions and end collective bargaining in the federal government. Here’s what one bullet of that memo says exactly:

“End collective bargaining. (EO/DOD) Government unions impede the efficiency of federal operations and direct the government to put the interests of government employees first. Curtailing collective bargaining in government serves the public good. The [Civil Service Reform Act] allows the President to exempt agencies from its coverage on the basis of national security concerns.

  1. POTUS should issue an EO exempting DOD from collective bargaining.
  2. Explore the possibility of adding VA to this list. Possibly parts of DHS, State, and OPM.
  3. The TSA administrator should cease collective bargaining with security screeners.”

The administration has since issued governmentwide anti-federal worker policies, including three hostile executive orders, under the guise of reform. The leaked memo, however, revealed the administration’s real goal and confirmed what we already know: they want to get rid of unions and federal workers.

VA workers, for example, are being hit hard by new policies that took away their workplace rights, prompting AFGE and other unions to file lawsuits. The VA and our union’s National VA Council are currently negotiating a new collective bargaining contract, but the VA is trying to get rid of most if not all workplace protections and is now negotiating in bad faith, prompting the council to file a national grievance. In addition, a recent book by Secretary Shulkin claims President Trump even mulled an executive order shuttering parts of the VA.

For OPM, the administration is trying to blow it up altogether in what would be a disastrous move for workers and the apolitical civil service as we know it. The administration wants to dismantle the central personnel agency and merge parts of it with the General Services Administration (GSA) while moving other functions under political appointees at the White House in the Office of Management and Budget, all with no legal analysis to support these moves. Our union and OPM are in contract negotiation, and the administration is once again floating anti-worker proposals.

DoD is maintaining the status quo for now, but it’s only a matter of time before the administration will try to implement the anti-worker executive orders.

The Transportation Security Administration, which is part of Homeland Security, has issued a new workplace guideline that took away even more workplace rights from TSA officers – the very people who had to work 35 consecutive days without pay due to the Trump shutdown earlier this year. TSA officers are among the lowest paid employees in the federal government and have one of the highest turnovers – one in four officers quit within six months. TSA spent $16 million to hire and train those workers.

Other agencies are being hit with the same anti-worker policies and mob mentality.

Next week we will discuss what the administration’s secret memo reveals about their plan to cut federal workers’ pay, retirement, and benefits.


Fight back now by contributing to AFGE PAC.

Contributions to AFGE  PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Your voluntary decision to contribute more, less or not to contribute at all will not result in any favor or disadvantage in your relationship with AFGE. You must be a member to AFGE to contribute to AFGE PAC.

Contract UPDATE

October 7th, 2019 | Posted by admin in Contract | Did you know? - (0 Comments)

 AFGE & SSA  reach new

Collective Bargaining Agreement 

After more than a year of tense negotiations, the Social Security Administration and the American Federation of Government Employees have finally reached an agreement on a new, six-year contract.

The new collective bargaining agreement, which SSA management and AFGE representatives signed late last week, settles months of disagreements between the two parties and offers both some stability days before the injunction on the president’s May 2018 executive orders was lifted.


See Full Article in Federal News  AFGE/SSA Contract

AFGE Local 1395 has opened Nominations for Officers and Delegates. 

Nomination Deadline is Wednesday September 11, 2019. 

The  attached Notice has been  mailed to all Members. 

AFGE Nominations

Contract UPDATE!

August 19th, 2019 | Posted by admin in Contract | KNOW YOUR CONTRACT - (0 Comments)

SSA Members Voted


to Ratify the

Proposed Contract


Stay Tuned for More Updates!