To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

Allen Kaplan spent years fighting for Federal workers and their rights. At different times he was the National Vice-President of District 7, the National Sectretary Treasurer of AFGE, and a longtime organizer. Allen Kaplan passed away March 31 at the Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL. I knew Al since the 1970’s, and learned much from him. I will be thinking about him and his family, and he will be missed by all of us in AFGE.

A memorial lunch will be held at Noon on Sunday May 24th at 2605 Bob-O-Link Lane in Northbrook, IL 60062. You can download a flier for the event here. You can RSVP at 847-275-5758.

Condolences may be sent to:
Mr. Paul Kaplan
7540 Cinnabar Terrance
Gaithersburg, MD 20879


Dorothy James Headshot
Dorothy James
National Vice President
AFGE District 7

Haymarket and May Day

May 1st, 2015 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Solidarity | Web - (0 Comments)

maydaymapOn May 1, 1886, Chicago unionists, reformers, socialists, anarchists, and ordinary workers combined to make the city the center of the national movement for an eight-hour day. Between April 25 and May 4, workers attended scores of meetings and paraded through the streets at least 19 times. On Saturday, May 1, 35,000 workers walked off their jobs. Tens of thousands more, both skilled and unskilled, joined them on May 3 and 4. Crowds traveled from workplace to workplace urging fellow workers to strike. Many now adopted the radical demand of eight hours’ work for ten hours’ pay. Police clashed with strikers at least a dozen times, three with shootings.

At the McCormick reaper plant, a long-simmering strike erupted in violence on May 3, and police fired at strikers, killing at least two. Anarchists called a protest meeting at the West Randolph Street Haymarket, advertising it in inflammatory leaflets, one of which called for “Revenge!”

The crowd gathered on the evening of May 4 on Des Plaines Street, just north of Randolph, was peaceful, and Mayor Carter H. Harrison, who attended, instructed police not to disturb the meeting. But when one speaker urged the dwindling crowd to “throttle” the law, 176 officers under Inspector John Bonfield marched to the meeting and ordered it to disperse.

Then someone hurled a bomb at the police, killing one officer instantly. Police drew guns, firing wildly. Sixty officers were injured, and eight died; an undetermined number of the crowd were killed or wounded.


AFGE Local 1395 is growing!

In 2014 AFGE Local 1395 took 1st place for the highest membership increase in 2014. The 7th District covers three (3) states, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconson.



Richard Sorokas, Local 1395  Executive Vice President receives award from National Vice President -7th District, Dorothy James.

Don’t skip your opportunity to “Join this lawsuit” if you were an essential employee required to work during the shutdown with delayed pay.

Notice_of_Lawsuit_Against_United_States [PDF attachment] , or click on the link
Open the website and click on “join the case” Enter all contact your information to be included.

AFGE Local 1395 would like to remind our members of our MOU with the agency concerning  Religious Compensation:

Employees must repay advanced Religious Compensatory Time (RCT) before the end of the prescribed time frame, normally within eight (8) pay periods after the time is used.
When employees do not have eight (8) pay periods in advance of the approved time off, supervisors will grant employees 10 pay periods following the time off to repay the time. Supervisors will change any leave not repaid by the expiration date first to annual leave.
Click below to read the entire MOU:
Brothers and Sisters,
It’s a sad day for labor. Right to Work has passed out of both Chambers and is now headed to the Governor’s desk who is likely to sign it on Monday. The most appalling thing is how this state legislature has treated its citizens during this process (not that we didn’t see this behavior in 2011). Yesterday just minutes after debate began on the House floor, Speaker Robin Vos ordered the chambers cleared, kicking out hundreds of citizens from around the state who had come to witness the debate. We saw similar actions in the State Senate.

Union website blocked by VA’s internet system

February 27th, 2015 | Posted by admin in News | Web - (0 Comments)

The day after the union representing workers at the Department of Veterans Affairs St. Petersburg Regional Office used its website to announce plans for a protest against management, the VA’s internet system blocked access to the site.

Union officials wonder if they are being targeted and their efforts to organize hampered. But regional office officials say they have no control over website access and that the VA’s national internet system routinely scours websites looking for certain keywords that can place a website on a “non-trusted” status. National VA officials say they are aware of the problem and as of late Thursday afternoon appeared to have fixed it.



coxLawmakers from both parties addressing unionized federal employees at a conference Monday pledged more support and respect for the civil service, but the union itself promised to “whoop [the] ass” of Congress if it stood in the group’s way.

At its annual legislative gathering, the American Federation of Government Employees vowed to combat any congressional efforts to shrink the federal workforce, cut pay and benefits or weaken unions. While Congress has succeeded in slashing agency rolls and freezing pay, union leaders said, those actions have better positioned the union to prevent similar efforts in the future.

Every time the “fools” in Congress try to hurt the federal workforce, said AFGE National President J. David Cox in a passionate address to his members, “We get bigger. We get stronger and we fight harder.”

He added: “We are a force to be reckoned with and we are a force that will open up the biggest can of whoop ass on anyone” who votes against the union’s interests.


Happy New Year from AFGE Local 1395!

December 30th, 2014 | Posted by admin in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)



The labor movement helped to secure the 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, family leave, health insurance, Social Security,  Medicare and retirement plans.

May the New Year bring us Hope and Courage!





Unfavorable Congressional Changes to Come

December 29th, 2014 | Posted by admin in News - (0 Comments)

The December 2014 issue of The AFGE Leader newsletter warns about upcoming Congressional changes.  AFGE Local 1395 needs your help in organizing, engaging, and preparing to fight back.

Dec 2014 AFGE Leader