To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself


April 16th, 2020 | Posted by admin in CORONAVIRUS | Did you know? - (0 Comments)


From the start of this rapidly developing health crisis, AFGE has been pushing for immediate action to help protect our members and the public we serve – and winning important victories.

In this week’s newsletter we’ve included important updates and an overview of the actions we’ve taken in the last week to fight for the health and safety of government employees.


Congress has moved swiftly in recent weeks to approve historic levels of emergency funding to help our country withstand the coronavirus pandemic. Yet more help is needed for the government workers who are on the front lines of this rapidly evolving health crisis.

Sign our petition calling on lawmakers to include AFGE’s legislative priorities in any upcoming coronavirus-related legislation.


AFGE’s Field Services and Education Department put together the video below to help members understand basic guidance related to health and safety on the job during the coronavirus pandemic.


If there is a lack of personal protective equipment at your facility there are a few steps you can take to address this issue.

  1. Collect information in writing about what is available and what is not
  2. Share information with the agency, in writing, letting them know of the shortages
  3. Notify your local, council, district, and the national office
  4. File an OSHA complaint
  5. Notify your coworkers and get them involved
  6. Grieve it
  7. Notify the press

Click here for more detailed information on these steps and how you can take action.


Many of our members are serving on the front lines of this global pandemic. We’ve created a Facebook photo frame for members to use on their profile. Click here to use the frame on your profile! Note: Do not use a picture in uniform or from the work site.


Please regularly check to view important coronavirus updates.

Note: Information on this site is not intended to substitute for actual medical care or professional medical advice. If you believe you are, or may be ill, contact your primary care health provider immediately. Information on this website may change as the situation/recommendations/resources evolve. Please check back frequently.


Dr. Everett Kelley
AFGE National President

For the latest AFGE news and information, follow us on:

We Are the Future of Labor

Throughout the labor movement,
young workers are becoming more
active and making a difference.

Young workers are facing a world that is
suffering record unemployment, soaring
education costs and widespread attacks on
workplace and voting rights.

AFGE and the Labor movement need all the
talent, leadership skills, mobilization knowhow and partnerships possible to shape a
future based on social and economic justice.




DATE:   March 20, 2020 

TO:         AFGE Local 1395 Bargaining unit employees


AFGE has pushed to expand Telework to the Maximum number of  employees to increase social distancing and the Agency has listened. Effective Monday March 23, 2020 Social Security buildings will be closed to most employees. 

During this period AFGE Local 1395 stewards will also be teleworking.

AFGE stewards will be allowed to represent employees during this period. AFGE stewards will be allowed to file a grievance electronically. AFGE stewards must have pre-approval to represent your issues. Please request consultation in advance.

Per the contract a grievance must be filed within 15 days.

We can be reached via the email address above or by a call/text via our mobile number 833-575-1395. Include your name and component in your message so your call can be directed to the correct steward.


Follow Us on FB: AFGE Local 1395

Members Only

February 8th, 2020 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Facebook | Local 1395 - (0 Comments)



AFGE  Local 1395




AFGE Local 1395




Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 20th, 2020 | Posted by admin in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

You’ve Got Mail!

January 11th, 2020 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | New Address - (0 Comments)

Haven’t Heard From Us In A While?Updates

There’s probably a reason for that.  And that reason could be an outdated address, email address, telephone number, or all of the above. That’s why we designated every January as AFGE’s Data Update Month. After reaching an important milestone of 300,000 members in 2015, we have been working to make sure that we have the most accurate contact information for everyone. AFGE thanks our members and leaders who took the time to update your information.

Here are the results:

Phone numbers: 13,529 people updated their phone number, for a 709% increase over the monthly average.

Addresses: 4,521 people updated their addresses in June for 109% increase. Email: 11,010 people entered a new email or updated their existing email, for a 74% increase over normal monthly activity.

Government Standard: 1,000 people opted for electronic Government Standard. If you haven’t updated your individual and/or local information, please do so today at  Updates.

Link:  The Government Standard


Get Connected with AFGE

January 9th, 2020 | Posted by admin in Did you know? - (0 Comments)

Want quick access to some of the most useful pages on Visit and bookmark the pages below for easy access.

Profile Update

Part of staying informed means telling us where to find you. Make sure we have your correct email address and updated contact information on file so we can keep in touch.

Join the AFGE Action Network

The best way to stay informed about news and events affecting all AFGE members is to join the AFGE Action Network. Subscribe today to get the latest news and alerts delivered right to your phone or inbox.


Bookmark this page to read the latest news affecting federal and D.C. government employees. We keep you informed of what’s happening in Washington and how it affects your jobs and workplace rights. Plus, we share the good work of AFGE members like you around the country.

The Government Standard

AFGE’s flagship publication is now an interactive electronic magazine that’s delivered to your inbox every other month. Each issue features in-depth coverage and analysis of news affecting members and activists, shares critical legislative and mobilization updates, and highlights the latest news impacting the federation. Click here to view and print current and past issues.

AFGE Groups 

There’s a way for everyone to get involved at AFGE! Visit the AFGE Groups page to learn more about how to connect with your union brothers and sisters.

Member Benefits 

Being a dues-paying member of AFGE can actually save you money. AFGE offers dozens of discounts on travel, entertainment, technology, and more that are available only to members. Just log-in to the AFGE website to visit the Member Benefits section today.

AFGE Store 

Show your AFGE pride by ordering some top-notch swag from the AFGE store. Shop for items with AFGE’s official logo on everything from clothing to clocks, buttons to books, and bags to banners. These items are a great way to welcome new members to our union family or thank an old pro for their public service.

AFGE Calendar 

Keep up with official events and activities happening in your District, Council, or Local by visiting the AFGE calendar. Just log-in to the AFGE website to view the latest events in your area.

Contact Us

Need to get in touch with someone at the National or District Office? Simply visit the Contact Us page to find phone and fax numbers, email addresses, and websites for your National and District leaders.

Social Media

Get connected with us by text and on social media, too!




PRESIDENT (1)  * Bellamy-Bonner  Cheryl 
Executive Vice President (1) Muhammad-Mason  James 
VICE PRESIDENT AT LARGE (3) * Joseph  Agatha 
  McCollum  Vanessa 
VICE PRES FO (3) * Hayes  Patricia (Pat) 
  Dybas  Yesenia 
  Connie  Mario
VICE PRES PSC (3) Barnhart  Angela 
  Smith Johnny 
  Lloyd  Daphne
VICE PRES ODAR (3) Cavanaugh  Frank 
  Clelland  Karen 
  Fairall  Barbara 
ADMIN DIR FO (1) Hornick  Jill 
ADMIN DIR OQP (1) * Tucker  Earl 
ADMIN DIR ODAR  Senden  Gregory 
ADMIN DIR PSC  * Harris  Monica 
TREASURER * Flynn  Deborah 
OFFICE MANAGER * Virden  Robin 
RECORDING SECRETARY * Mulligan  Catherine 
CORRESPONDENCE SEC * Washington  Patricia 
SERGEANT OF ARMS * Jones  Abigail 
EXEC BOARD FO (2) * Ponder-Chism  Kimberly 
EXEC BOARD ODAR (2) * Thomas  Yolanda 
EXEC BOARD PSC (2) * Merai  Danial 
  Jones  Jerome 
COUNCIL DELEGATE FO (3)  Hayes  Patricia 
  Washington  Patricia 
  Ponder-Chism  Kimberly 
COUNCIL DELEGATE OQP (1) * Tucker  Earl 
COUNCIL DELEGATE PSC (1)  Joseph  Agatha 
COUNCIL DELEGATE ODAR (3) Hayes  Patricia 
  Senden  Gregory 
  Thomas  Yolanda 
DELEGATE NATL CONV/7TH DST (8) Joseph  Agatha 
  Hayes  Patricia