To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

To Whom It May Concern:

I am an SSA employee with over 12 years of service. My son was in the Windy City Kids Day Care (WCK) until December 2012 when he was diagnosed with a rare eye cancer. We had hoped to place him back into WCK June 2013. He will be post-chemotherapy and with a prosthetic eye, so it is paramount he be in the same building as me. The parents of Windy City Kids Day Care have written to SSA many times in hopes to reverse the decision of the impending closure.



World Wide Web In testimony delivered today before a House subcommittee, American Federation of Government Employees Public Policy Director Jacqueline Simon criticized proposals that the Obama administration has presented for altering the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.


AFGE 1395 Post Rally Photos

March 22nd, 2013 | Posted by admin in Events | Photo Gallery | Rally | Solidarity | Web - (0 Comments)

AFGE Local 1395 had a good turn out on the March 20th rally in downtown Chicago.

AFGE 1395 Pre-Rally Informational

March 15th, 2013 | Posted by admin in News | Solidarity | Web - (0 Comments)

training    On Tuesday March 19th AFGE Local 1395 members can join us for a informational session concerning the rally on March 20th.


Meet us in the West Auditorium during morning breaks for more information on the rally.



You can view the rally flyer by clicking AFGE Rally Flyer 2013.


March 20th National Day of Protest highlights need to end across-the-board budget cuts



AFGE National Logo

WASHINGTON – Federal employees are planning to hold about 100 rallies across the country on March 20 protesting sequestration, as part of a mass demonstration organized by the American Federation of Government Employees.



The events will take place outside federal agencies and lawmakers’ offices to highlight the valuable work performed by federal employees at military bases, Social Security offices, federal prisons and thousands of other locations.



World Wide WebThe college scholarship application and eligibility requirements are available on the home page of the FEEA web site: Current civilian federal employees and their dependent family members (spouse/child) are eligible for the program.
Last year, the New York City FEEA committee awarded six $1,000 scholarships from a field of over 130 submissions to college undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, FEEA administers scholarship programs for a number of Federal Labor Unions and Management Associations. They are listed under Partner Programs on the home page of their web site. In most cases, students need submit only one application for all programs.

FEEA also gives small grants and loans due to an unforeseen emergency such as personal hardship, death in the family or loss of property due to natural disaster. The application forms for these programs are also available on their web site.
The FEEA receives no government funds. Virtually all of their operating revenue is derived from federal employee contributions specifically pledged to the FEEA through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and is devoted solely to helping civilian federal and postal employees.

Specific questions concerning FEEA programs should be directed to them at 303-933-7580.



Thousand Waves 1220 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
See map: Google Maps


Saturday, February 9, 2013 – 5:00pm

Impact Chicago, Thousand Waves and Iraq Veterans Against the War-Chicago present a FREE PUBLIC screening & discussion of the Invisible War on Saturday, February 9th from 4pm-6pm. Refreshments provided. Childcare available with RSVP.

Also, Thousand Waves Marital Arts & Self Defense, NFP has just announced that they would like to honor Sabrina Waller, one of IVAW Board of Directors, with their Peacemaker Award after the screening of The Invisible War on Saturday, February 9. It will be a short presentation of a plaque honoring her peacemaking work.

union_solidarityCapping subsidies to contract employees would offset significant fraction of sequestration

Lawmakers desperately looking for ways to offset the devastating budget cuts required under sequestration should consider capping taxpayer subsidies for contractor salaries, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees said today.

Allowing agencies to fall off the fiscal cliff by failing to stop sequestration would drastically hinder their ability to continue providing vital services to the American people, AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said. (more…)

Congressional Art Contest

January 11th, 2013 | Posted by admin in Art | Did you know? - (0 Comments)

artEach spring, a nation-wide high school arts competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Congressional Art Competition is an opportunity to recognize and encourage the artistic talent in the nation, as well as in our congressional district.

The Congressional Art Competition is open to all high school students in the 4th District. The over-all winner of our district’s competition will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol. The exhibit in Washington will also include artwork from other winners nation-wide. (more…)

U of I Labor Education Classes in Chicago

January 11th, 2013 | Posted by admin in Training - (0 Comments)

trainingThe University of Illinois School of Labor and Employment Relations recently announced the following schedule of upcoming classes in Chicago for union members.



