To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

May Day 2014

April 11th, 2014 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Events | Rally | Solidarity | Web - (0 Comments)

union_solidarityDear Chicago Federation of Labor Affiliates and Delegates,

Join the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Federation of Labor and Jobs with Justice for May Day 2014 to celebrate International Workers’ Day and march for workers’ rights.

Thursday, May 1
Haymarket Monument
Corner of Randolph & Des Plaines in Chicago



Letter sent to the House concerning field offices:

Dear Representative:

On December 5th, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced that its network of 1250 field offices will no longer provide Social Security Number (SSN) printouts or benefit verification forms to the public. The change, which was scheduled to begin April 1, was delayed by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees because of serious concerns about the harsh impact of this plan on low-income and unemployed Americans, as well as those without computers, printers or computer expertise. It is now scheduled to begin on August 1. (more…)

TPP Rally

January 31st, 2014 | Posted by admin in Events | Rally - (0 Comments)
Brothers and Sisters-
After 20 years, NAFTA is  one of the biggest job and environment killers the US has ever seen. And  the same big corporations are at it again! The Trans-Pacific  Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) is set to become the largest  so-called free trade agreement in the world, yet it has been negotiated  behind closed doors by corporate lobbyists and government bureaucrats.  That’s not democracy! Amazingly, there are a few Democratic Members of  Congress who haven’t committed to opposing Fast Track, including Mike  Quigley. Join us as we demand to have a voice in trade policy and the  Congressman stand up for his constituents!
Saturday February 1st                    
11:30 AM Meet up at Jonquil Park @ Wrightwood and Sheffield near the DePaul Campus
March to Congressman Mike Quigley’s Office
3223 N Sheffield Avenue                    
12:00 PM Rally at Quigley’s Office
Join us to tell Congressman Quigley to do what is right!  Tweet him @RepMikeQuigley: Say No to the TPP!
Susan Hurley, Executive Director of Chicago Jobs with Justice

Public employees and their unions are frequent scapegoats when elected officials seek to score political points or contract out government services. But despite what you may have read, there are many examples of productive labor-management relations in the public sector. A new report released by the Jobs With Justice Education Fund, Improving Government Through Labor-Management Collaboration and Employee Ingenuity, profiles how public employees and their unions are working collaboratively with management to improve the way government runs.

Weather Emergency for Local 1395 Members

January 26th, 2014 | Posted by admin in News - (0 Comments)

newsAFGE Local 1395 is asking its members especially those located in 600 W Madison to call the HWSSC building @ 312-575-4294. For 1/27/2014 employees will be on a fixed schedule with a  2 hour delayed opening. Employees start time would be 10 am.


If you do brave the weather please dress appropriately as the temperature is predicate -8 below or greater with windchill making the temperature -30 to -45.


union_solidarityDear Brothers and Sisters:

The Chicago Federation of Labor is pleased to announce that applications for the 2014 William A. Lee Memorial Scholarship are now available online at Five academic-based scholarships and five random-drawing scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each will be awarded to students graduating from an area high school this year.

Weather Emergency for Local 1395 Members

January 5th, 2014 | Posted by admin in News | Web - (0 Comments)

UPDATE: 600 W Madison has a delayed open on 1/4/7014 – The building will open at 11 am. Please call # below for more information.

UPDATE: 600 W Madison is closed on 1/6/2014 – Please be safe and keep warm!

newsAFGE Local 1395 is asking its members especially those located in 600 W Madison to call the HWSSC building @ 312-575-4294. For 1/6/2013 employees will be on a fixed schedule with a delayed opening. So the fixed tour would be 8-4:30.


If you do brave the weather please dress appropriately as the temperature is predicate -8 below or greater.



union_solidarity Tuesday December 10 is “National Lobby Day.”

This is a day to contact your Political representative on issues for Federal Employees.

For more information please contact your local AFGE steward. If everyone does their part it will make a difference!

Open Season is here again

December 2nd, 2013 | Posted by admin in Benefits | Did you know? - (0 Comments)

AFGE Local 1395 would like to remind its members during this open period that AFGE has a Delta Dental Plan of IL.

A special note about our plan is that children are eligible thru age 26… with no student requirements.


Delta Dental Prices PBA Bankdraft Delta Dental Enrollment Form

Remembering Eloise Dillon

November 28th, 2013 | Posted by admin in R.I.P. - (0 Comments)

Former local 1395 President Eloise Dillon passed away on Nov 20, 2013 we would like to honor her on our website. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones.