To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

AFGE word of the Day–PREVENTION!

September 25th, 2015 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Shutdown - (0 Comments)

AFGE National President J.David Cox conducted a Conference Call Thursday 9-24-2015 with over 50,000 federal employees. 

Maryland Representative Benjamin (Ben) Cardin gave updates on pending legislation,

Follow the Fair Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2015

AFGES Call to Action is:

Lets Prevent the SHUTDOWN by making three (3) calls and three (3)  e-mails PER DAY for SIX (6) days to your two (2) Senators and your Congressional representative. 

Dial one Number and enter your zip code to be connected to your representative. 1-844-913-7574.

This should generate 60,000 to 70,000 calls per day. In Addition, We need every federal employee, their friends and family to make a call.

AFGEs LINK to updated information: SHUTDOWN

Sign up for TEXT Alerts: Text SHUTDOWN to “225568”



Washington prepares for Nervous Breakdown


Shut Down Call 2015

Shut Down Call 2015

Government Shut Down News

September 19th, 2015 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Shutdown - (0 Comments)

Will You Get Paid if the Government Shuts Down in Two Weeks?


Closed for Business?

Closed for Business?


The 2013 government shutdown cost the economy $24 billion, and it could happen again at the end of this month.

That’s why AFGE is mobilizing support for the Federal Employees Fair Treatment Act of 2015 (FEFTA) to be introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland to ensure that all government employees receive guaranteed back pay for their work in the event of any future government shutdown. The bill also would allow employees with scheduled leave during a shutdown to take that leave.


Know Your Contract

Know Your Contract

Well it is almost time for your FY 2015 final rating and just in case you did not know you have the option of “tooting-your-own-horn”.   Sometimes your manager might not remember all the things you have done over the last twelve (12) months, so why not remind them…

Our AFGE/SSA National Agreement states:

Article 21, Section 6. G –Optional Employee Self-Assessment

“Employees will be provided the option of completing an end-of-cycle self-assessment, highlighting their accomplishments relating to the performance plan.  Employees, who wish to submit a self-assessment,must do so no later than 10 days after the end of their appraisal period.  A reasonable amount of time will be provided for this activity.  Self-assessments should be maintained in the SSA-7B Extension File or electronic equivalent.  Management will inform employees of the above self-assessment option fifteen (15) days prior to the end of the appraisal period.”

Deadline: Saturday October 10, 2015, if your appraisal year ends 9/30/2015

NOTE: All appraisals will not end on 09/30/2015.

Membership has its Benefits!

September 17th, 2015 | Posted by admin in Benefits | Did you know? - (0 Comments)
Union Plus Mortgage Program

Union Plus Mortgage Program

Show Me The Money!

September 15th, 2015 | Posted by admin in Budget | Did you know? | Settlements - (0 Comments)
Show Me the Money!

Show Me the Money!

On April 1, 2014 the AFGE SSA General Committee filed a grievance (GM UMG 14-01). The issue was the disparate impact of the Agency’s  application of the PACS appraisal system against minority and disabled employees, as evidenced by the distribution of ratings in FY 2013 appraisals to AFGE bargaining unit employees.

The Union’s review of the data reveled that minority and disabled employees received a disproportionately lower share of “Outstanding (5)” appraisals than non-minority and non-disabled employees.


As some of you may know, the current funding of the federal government is set to expire on September 30th. AFGE is actively monitoring the situation and working with members of Congress to avoid another shutdown, as well as strongly urging lawmakers to oppose any budget that would negatively impact federal employee wages and benefits.

Senator Ben Cardin (MD) is introducing the Federal Employees Fair Treatment Act of 2015 (FEFTA), which will ensure that all government employees receive guaranteed back pay for their work in the event of any future government shutdown, and to allow employees with scheduled leave during a shutdown to take that leave.

If there is a government shutdown, or if Congress moves forward with a budget proposal that harms workers like you, we will let you know immediately what AFGE is doing to stop it.

Take action on the Budget: Take Action

In solidarity,



Labor Day Celebration in Chicago

September 2nd, 2015 | Posted by admin in Events | Holidays | Solidarity - (0 Comments)

Celebrate Labor Day in Pullman National Monument!

Enjoy food, music, history and family fun.


Celebrate Labor Day

Labor Day Event



Local 1395 Delegates attend 2015 National Convention. AFGE kicked off the 40th Convention with 1551 delegates representing 529 locals and 243,592 members. AFGE is the largest Federal  Union with almost 300,000 members.

WIN_20150818_122549 (2)

Left to Right:

Patricia Hayes, Earl Tucker, Cheryl Bellamy-Bonner, Richard Sorokas, Agatha Joseph (President),

Greg Senden, Archester Neal


On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Delegates re-elected National Officers;

J.David Cox, National President

Eugene Hudson Jr, National Secretary Treasurer

Augusta Thomas, National Vice President  Women & Fair Practices


union_solidarityText “AFGE” to 225568 and start receiving text alerts to the attacks on federal government employees by Congress to cut their pay and benefits all why passing tax cuts to the top 1% and corporations. Federal employees have already contributed over $159 Billion in deficit reductions with reduced and frozen pay over the last 6 years.

Enough is enough, and we need to demand that Congress stop using federal employees as the easy target.

Call, write and visit your Congressional representative and tell them “Hell No” to any further cuts on our pay and benefits.