AFGE/SSA have a mutual agreement on Governments Wide Shutdowns. Know your Rights!
Government-Wide Shutdown.pdf _MOU
AFGE/SSA have a mutual agreement on Governments Wide Shutdowns. Know your Rights!
Government-Wide Shutdown.pdf _MOU
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), states that your time in PAID Leave status counts as “Hours of Work”. So if you have 8 hours of Annual Leave you have a sufficient number of hours to work overtime, or you can work 6 hours (regular time), use 2 hours Leave (annual/credit) and work 2 hours overtime.
5CFR 551.401 Hours of Work
5CFR 551.501 Overtime Pay
NOTE: However, you can only work Credit Hours after you have worked an 8 hour day.
The 15% discount does not apply to the new Unlimited Choice and Plus Plans.
LINK : Union Plus
May you find the Joy & Happiness that the season brings.
Wishing you Peace, Health and Love in the New Year.
A $10.00 gift card in appreciation of your membership is in the mail to your last address.
When you join the union, you have access to these AFGE benefits. These benefits are backed by the collective strength of over 10 million members of AFL-CIO unions. By using one or two of the programs, many members save as much as their annual dues.