To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself

Union Summer

June 22nd, 2012 | Posted by admin in Events | News | Web - (0 Comments)

  Union Summer is an educational internship in which participants are introduced to the labor movement and organizing. The 2012 Union Summer internship will run from June 18 through Aug. 17. It will begin with a weeklong orientation and training, which will be held June 18-June 24.



Meet Rep. Jan Schakowsky

June 13th, 2012 | Posted by admin in Events - (0 Comments)

 On Thursday, join Representative Jan Schakowsky at Chicago’s Fair Share Tour event at Landmark’s Century Centre Cinema at 7pm.


 This summer, members of the Congressional Progressuve Caucus are traveling the country exposing corporations that don’t pay their taxes with a free movie screening of the Sundace Film Festival documentary “We’re Not Broke” and a Q&A panel discussion with the filmmakers and activists immediately following the movie.


 newsAfter 27 months of intensive hard labor the goal of a new contract has finally been achieved.

What we need you the Union Member to do is “VOTE”, to ratify (approve) or not ratify (deny) the new contract.

This ratification vote must be completed by June 12, 2012. Information on how to VOTE will be attached.

You can see the New Contract on  under “Contract for Ratification”.


[ Contract Changes ]    [ Contract Flyer ]   [ Ratification Ballot ]

AFGE leader John Gage to retire

June 7th, 2012 | Posted by admin in News | Web - (0 Comments)


 John Gage, who has served as president of the American Federation of Government Employees for nearly a decade, said Tuesday he intends to retire later this summer to spend more time with his family.

“I have a growing family that I’ve kind of neglected,” Gage, who is 66 and lives in Baltimore, said in a brief interview with The Sun. “I never have been able to really put in perspective the people who love me and the union activities.”


IVOL Feigenbaum decision

May 7th, 2012 | Posted by enealjr in Contract | News | Your Rights - (0 Comments)


Arbitrator Charles Feigenbaum ordered the agency to discontinue using its Internal Vacancies on-Line program, IVOL, except that the agency could continue to announce vacancies online and accept paper or electronic SSA-45 forms. The arbitrator ordered that all current openings be re-announced in accordance with his decision. (more…)

newsDear Employees,
As you might know, in 2007 the union filed a national level grievance when SSA management improperly implemented the Internal Vacancies on Line program (IVOL) that dramatically changed the way employees put in for vacancies and the way that the applications are scored and how selections are made. AFGE won the arbitration.




Workers’ history continues with numerous commemorations, talks and activities during May throughout the Illinois Valley, as the Smithsonian’s “The Way We Worked” exhibit concludes its area tour. The Smithsonian traveling exhibit, which looks at workers, jobs and the many changes in the work environment, will be shown at the Ottawa Historical and Scouting Heritage Museum, 1100 Canal Street in Ottawa through May 24. 



By Amanda Palleschi

March 1, 2012

Social Security Administration employees nationwide achieved some gains in working conditions and benefits in a contract agreement reached Wednesday, after more than two years of negotiations.

The contract agreement between SSA and the American Federation of Government Employees Union is currently a “conceptual,” oral agreement between the two parties, but the union expects to have a contract signed with the agency by mid-April, said Witold Skwierczynski, an AFGE representative. Once a contract is ratified, it will be valid for four years.



Per the Contract if you work a 2 hours of overtime you must have a 3rd break of 10 minutes.



Article 10 -Hours of Work, Flextime, Alternate Work Arrangements and Credit Hours


Section 1 — Hours of Work

