To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself



We need as many calls as possible. Please take a few minutes to make this important phone call to your Representative.

Toll Free 1-888-775-3148

Deliver this simple message: “I’m calling to urge the Representative to Stop the Shutdown and Stop the Sequester.

NOTE: Call from your personal cell phone or your personal home phone, not on duty time.

AFGE Local 1395 held Training for its new Stewards September 16-19, 2013 at the Chicago Harold Washington Social Security Building:


New Stewards ODAR: Latonya Berry, Livonia, MI; Tam Huynh, Valparaiso, IN; Anthony Otto, Oak Park, MI; Donald Terry, Orland Park, IL; Rosalyn Yates, Oak Brook, IL; Carrie hill, Lansing, MI; Ron Farrington, Milwaukee, WI

New Stewards PSC: Angela Barnhart, Monica Harris, Abigail Jones, Linda Powe, Donna Safford, Sean Shideler, Jonathan Thedford, Bettina Walker, Shovan Waller, Susana Montelongo

New Stewards FO: Kimberly Ponder, Chicago TSC; Lisa Sweenet, Chicago TSC; Tara Hogan, Kankakee, IL; Martha Fahoome, E. St. Louis, IL* “Best New Recruiter”

On June 12, 2013 AFGE Local 1395 held its triennial elections and the results are as posted:


President (1)                                                                                                            Agatha Joseph

Executive Vice-President (1)                                                                                 Richard Sorokas

Vice-President at Large (3)                                                                                    H. Justine James

                                                                                                                                 Archester Neal

                                                                                                                                 Eddie Smith

Vice-President for D.O. (3)                                                                                    Dennis Clamors

                                                                                                                                 Mario Connie

                                                                                                                                 Patricia Hayes

Vice-President for OQP (3)                                                                                    Patricia Dugas

                                                                                                                                 John Hawes

Vice-President for PSC (3)                                                                                    Gregory A. Cole

                                                                                                                                 Sean Shideler

                                                                                                                                 Durrell Walton

Vice-President for ODAR (3)                                                                                 Karen Clelland

                                                                                                                                 Betsy Compton

                                                                                                                                 Betty White

Administrative Director for PSC (1)                                                                     Cheryl Bellamy-Bonner

Administrative Director for DO (1)                                                                       Charlotte Lewis

Administrative Director for OQP (1)                                                                     Earl Tucker

Administrative Director for ODAR (1)                                                                  Greg Senden

Treasurer  (1)                                                                                                          Deborah Flynn

Financial Secretary (1)                                                                                          Bettina Walker

Office Manager (1)                                                                                                 JoAnne Coleman

Recording Secretary (1)                                                                                        Linda Powe

Correspondence Secretary (1)                                                                             Patricia Washington

Sergeant at Arms (1)                                                                                             Janice Antonio

Executive Board Member for ODAR (2)                                                              Shirley Evans

                                                                                                                                Anthony Mayes

Executive Board Member for PSC (2)                                                                 Catherine Mulligan

                                                                                                                                Shovan Waller

Executive Board Member of OQP (2)                                                                  Alonzo Flynn

                                                                                                                                Melvin Edwards

Executive Board Member for DO (2)                                                                   Kourtney M. Craigmiles

                                                                                                                                Randy Harris

Council Delegate for PSC (1)                                                                               Cheryl Bellamy-Bonner

Council Delegate for DO (3)                                                                                 Patricia Hayes

                                                                                                                                Vanessa McCollum

                                                                                                                                Patricia Washington

Council Delegate for OQP (1)                                                                               Earl Tucker

Council Delegate for ODAR (1) **

Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention & 7th District Caucus (7)

Patricia Hayes

Archester Neal

Gregory A. Cole

Melvin E. Edwrads

Alonzo Flynn

Eddie T. Smith

Dennis Clamors

** Automatic delegate by virtue of office


Proud Union Home

August 23rd, 2013 | Posted by admin in Did you know? - (0 Comments)

Proud Union Home Lawn Signs are available in the union office. Limited Supply.

House bills would inflict further harm on already besieged workforce

The American Federation of Government Employees is urging House members to reject three bills targeting federal employees that are expected to be voted on this week.

In a letter to representatives, AFGE Legislative and Political Director Beth Moten outlined AFGE’s opposition to the following bills: the Common Sense in Compensation Act (HR 1541), the Government Employee Accountability Act (HR 2579) and the Citizen Empowerment Act (HR 2711).


18th Annual Great America Trip

Saturday 27, 2013

Member Cost:
$30.00 Park Admission (Limit 7 tickets)
Includes: FREE Meal (3:30 – 5:00)
($55.00 savings per person)




Bill would ensure blue-collar workers receive same local pay rates as white-collar counterparts

The American Federation of Government Employees congratulated Rep. Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania for introducing H.R. 2450, the Locality Pay Equity Act. AFGE also thanks and congratulates original cosponsors Tom Marino, Bob Brady, Chaka Fattah and Allison Schwartz, all of Pennsylvania.
The Locality Pay Equity Act would mean simple justice for the federal government’s blue-collar workforce. In numerous locations, the government treats hourly and salary workers who work in the same location as if they worked in different locations when it comes to calculating local pay rates. White-collar locality boundaries are drawn to encompass metropolitan labor markets, as defined by census data on commuting rates. Blue-collar locality boundaries are drawn according to the placement of military installations in the 1950s, long before federal white-collar workers were paid local differentials.


Fracking Southern Illinois

June 27th, 2013 | Posted by admin in Web - (0 Comments)

Set your DVR or tune in ABC7 Chicago this Sunday, June 30, 1:00 p.m. for a special half hour documentary that explores the critical ethical questions behind hydraulic fracking.

The fight is between corporate interests, who want to extract enormous amounts of formerly inaccessible oil and natural gas and point to economic benefits from the process, and their opponents, who warn of environmental dangers: contamination of ground water, depletion of fresh water, risks to air quality, and migration of hazardous chemicals to the surface.

AFGE Local 1395 2013 Elections Results

June 21st, 2013 | Posted by admin in News | Vote - (0 Comments)

Local 1395 Election Results from June 12, 2013:
President (1)
Agatha Joseph

Executive Vice-President (1)
Richard Sorokas

Vice-President at Large (3)
H. Justine James
Archester Neal
Eddie Smith


Labor Notes (Highlights)

May 31st, 2013 | Posted by admin in Solidarity | Web - (0 Comments)


Frozen, Furloughed and Sequestered: Federal Workers Fed Up

Congress rushed to fix the inconvenience caused by air traffic controller furloughs, but other agencies with less powerful constituencies are facing drastic service cuts, and federal worker furloughs amount to 20 percent pay cuts in some cases. (read more)


Adjunct Faculty, Now in The Majority, Organize Citywide

Faculty members who work on short-term contracts have launched citywide, cross-college organizing drives in Boston and Pittsburgh. With tenure-track positions fast evaporating, the contingent life now confronts the majority of higher education faculty. (read more)