To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself


Why Join?

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union representing 670,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services.

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest and most influential federal and D.C. employees union in the United States. We’re growing stronger every day. In the last four years, we’ve added a net increase of some 20,000 new members, combined with 18,000 retired members, our total membership is more than 302,000 strong. No other union represents close to that number of government employees.

AFGE believes that all unions should belong to the house of labor and has been nationally affiliated with the AFL-CIO since AFGE was founded in 1932. At AFGE’s national convention in 1997, the delegates took the importance of affiliation one step further, voting for each of its 1,100 Locals to affiliate with their AFL-CIO state federations. This makes AFGE one of the few nationally affiliated unions to have all of its Locals affiliated at the state level. National President J. David Cox and National Vice President for Women & Fair Practices Augusta Y. Thomas are active participants in the AFL-CIO, working to enhance and energize the labor movement.

AFGE is in the middle of every battle involving the well-being of federal and D.C. employees and their families. We lobby the White House, work in agencies, litigate in court and lobby in the halls of Congress.

AFGE is all about producing results that positively affect our members’ lives.

How to Apply

1. Download & complete the  1187- membership form

2. Prepare a cover letter indicating that you would like to join and that your membership application is attached.

3. Local 1395 Union Dues are $15.00 per pay period

4. Fax the completed form to 833-575-1395

5. Notify Union office when faxing membership form by sending an email with your name and daytime phone number to (SSA secure partner) or Call/TEXT 833-575-1395 (PRESS ZERO TO LEAVE A MESSAGE) .