To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself



In May of 2018, the Administration announced three executive orders that chip away at due process and collective bargaining rights for federal employees and impede employee representation at the job site. Within three business days of issuance of the orders, AFGE filed a lawsuit int he U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. We won that suit, but the fight isn’t over. The administration is appealing the judge’s decision and is actively working to put the union-busting, democracy-busting executive orders back in place. 

On April 4, 2019 we’re headed back to court to fight the appeal. We need you and your coworkers to show management and the administration that our union isn’t going anywhere. 

Wear RED Thursday, April 4th. 


Share your pictures and Use the hashtag #RedForFeds

What should I Wear?

January 1st, 2019 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Events | Wear Red Day - (0 Comments)



We may have won our executive order lawsuit, but the fight isn’t over. The administration is appealing the judge’s decision, and is actively working to put the union-busting, democracy-busting executive orders back in place.

We’re all in on fighting for workers’ rights. We need you and your coworkers to show management and the administration that our union isn’t going anywhere. Make sure to wear red EVERY Wednesday.

When management and the administration see worksites full of government workers wearing red, it will be a powerful display of our strength, solidarity, and willingness to fight the administration’s outrageous attempts to bust our union and break our democracy.

It is up to us to keep working for what is right – and to do that, our union has to be all in. That’s why we’re wearing Red for Feds every Wednesday, and sharing pictures of our red on social media with the hashtag #RedForFeds.

Please make sure that you are not on government time or government property when you take or share your photos. If your employment requires a specific uniform or dress policy, be mindful of compliance. The wearing of red is not for, or against, any candidate or party, and is not a violation of the Hatch Act.

By joining together and raising our voices as a union family, we know we can do great things. Thank you for all that you do.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about more ways you or your local can get involved, don’t hesitate to e-mail us at

In Solidarity,

Dorothy James

National Vice-President

American Federation of Government Employees

District 7



January 15th, 2018 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Events | Wear Red Day - (0 Comments)