To Do For All That Which No One Can Do For Oneself


September 24th, 2020 | Posted by admin in Did you know? | Excused Absences | FMLA | Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

The Office of Personnel Management has released more details about the new, highly-anticipated paid parental leave program, which will go into effect in less than three months.

OPM’s interim final rule, which is scheduled for publication Monday, is significant in that it gives federal agencies more instruction on how they should implement new paid parental leave benefits, and it offers employees more detail on how they can take advantage of the new program.

Under the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA), new benefits go into effect Oct. 1. The president signed FEPLA into law late last year, following a nearly decade-long effort by members of Congress


winter storms

Employees with Mobility Impairments



Article 31, Section 3. G. Employees with Mobility Impairments


During emergency conditions, employees with disabilities, whether temporary or permanent impairments, may be unable to report to work.  Management may grant excused absences even when their respective office is open.


Other Weather Delays or Absences..
